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New Beginnings

building an idea on something you love
Matt Wooler

An adventure in whisky that takes in the sensors

A note from the founder

In grounded terms Dramnation was created out of a love for whisky. Our guiding principles are just as firm: Enjoy whisky for what it is and not for what you are told it should be.

It would be fare to say that I, Matt Wooler founder of Dramnation, can be considered to be somewhat enthusiastic about food & beverage. Drawing on my many years experience writing about whisky, as well as being custodian to a long standing whisky club, I wanted to ensure that Dramnation delivered to you an understanding about what makes whisky great in an enjoyable productive way.

What we eat or drink is a tactile sensory experience and never something to be taken for granted. They don’t call whisky the water of life for nothing and appreciating that which gives us sustenance can be an enriching experience to the point of a personal discovery. I hope you also find it be just as much of an enriching experience as I have.

– Matt Wooler